Thursday, October 21, 2010
Homemade Chicken Essence
1)Prepare one small bowl(rice bowl) and one large bowl(casserole).
2)Place the small bowl into the large bowl by over turning it.
3)Prepare one whole chicken. Remove skin, internal organs and wash clean. Cut into large pieces. Chop each pieces into smaller pieces.
4)Place the chicken pieces on top of the over-turned small bowl.
5)Spread the chicken pieces evenly in the large bowl.
6)Prepare a cooking pot(Large enough to place the bowl that contains the chicken inside). This will act as a double boiler. Fill the cooking pot with water.
7)Cover the bowl.
8)Allow the cooking pot to cook over medium heat. Cook for 3 hours.
9)Remove the bowl containing chicken from the cooking pot. Be careful when opening the bowl containing chicken. A vacuum is created during the cooking process.
Remove the chicken to another bowl, and remove the over-turned small bowl.
10)The essence is accumulated inside the inner(small) bowl. Strain the essence to remove pieces of bones, chicken meat.
11)The essence is ready to be taken. Add a pinch of salt to your liking. The essence is best taken at night before going to sleep.
Use one whole Kampung Chicken. You will get one bowl of chicken essence approximately 300ml.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Organic Sea Birdnest
Product description:
Premium Grade Organic Sea Birdnest.(特級海底燕窩)
Color: Natural and Purple.
* Rich in Calcium, collagen, iron and other minerals.
* Strengthens bone and anti ageing.
* Lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
* Prevents thyroiditis and constipation.
* The perfect health food for the old, young and vegetarian.
Nano Nature Collagen Seaweed Fiber 珊瑚草纖維精力湯
Product description:
Collagen Seaweed Fiber helps to relieve constipation effective in 3 days!
Reduces tummy effective in 20 days!Promotes skin that is healthy, radiant, supple and wrinkle-free. It also help to cleanse the intestines,lose weight effectively and increase good bacteria in the guts!
體內環保 稀世珍品 鮮綠生機 建议食用法:*緩解便秘, 3天見效! *勁減肚腩, 20天見效! *養顏容美,瘦身苗條! 3大功效: *淨化腸道! *控制肥胖! *增加腸內有益菌 *保證有效, 無刺激性成分. 每次饭后1包,每天1或2次,每包以250CC室温水沖调, 沖调后立即饮用. 保持健康腸道食用法: 每天1包或每2天1包, 可维持腸道處於最佳健康状态.多喝水,水在有益菌和纖維之间扮演了重要的角色,它可有效的增加排便量和使粪便松软通畅. 注意事项: 孕妇,呕吐,腹痛,直腸出血等病患,使用前请教医生. Collagen Seaweed Fiber 服用效果: 短期食用1-7 天的效应:
Improve colon health:
1 sachet after meal, 1 or 2 times a day.
Maintain colon health:
1 sachet after meal or gradually reduce to 1 sachet in alternative day after meal.
Drink plenty of water consumption for enhanced benefits. Water plays an important role together with probiotic and fiber to help form soft and bulky stool.
Attention: Pregnant women and those with symptoms such as vomiting, stomach ache and rectal bleeding should consult doctors before consumption.
Effects after the consumption of Collagen Seaweed Fiber with Probiotic
After 1 -7 days:
1. Increased stools. The impacted fecal stools are eliminated(Black & Foul).
2. Guts feel slightly uncomfortable, frequent farting.
3. Stools floating on the surface. Looks yellowish brown.
After 7-20 days:
After more than 20 days:
Ingredients: Bifidobacterium, Seaweed, Psyllium Husk, Oligosaccharide, Spirulina, Vegetables Fibre, Fruits Fibre, Chlorophyll & Alfafa. |
Nano Nature 膠原蛋白活性益菌纖維配方, 是最佳植物膠原蛋白, 活性益菌及植物纖維來源, 效果快速, 顯著. 這個配方的主要特色是它包含了建造健康腸道的重要元素如下:
人類的腸道內, 住著超過一百兆隻的細菌, 但它們有好壞之分, 有益菌對人體的健康非常的重要, 有害菌會增加罹患大腸癌的機率, 如何增加有益菌, 剷除有害菌, 是現代人重要的保健課題. 在腸道細菌中, 有益菌能將糖質代謝成為機酸, 促進腸壁蠕動而將有害物質排出人體外, 進而防止便秘或腹瀉, 并降低罹患大腸癌的機率. 有益菌也有效的抑制腸內有害菌的繁殖, 減少腸內毒素的行成, 保護腸道免受致癌物的侵擊, 確保我們擁有清潔健康的腸道.
萃取自有機海藻的豐富膠原蛋白, 能自效的增加肌膚的彈力及張力, 防止肌膚鬆弛, 減少皺紋, 修護皮膚, 使肌膚光滑柔嫩, 皙白, 美白, 延緩老化, 是 肌膚最佳天然保養聖品. 此外, 膠原蛋白的增加也有助於:
*關節: 強化並提高關節的活動功能,和抵擋每天動作所產生的磨損.
*骨骼: 促成骨骼的生成, 強化骨骼, 增厚骨本.
*美髮與美甲: 髮甲的主要成分是膠原蛋白, 豐足的膠原蛋白自然加強髮甲的生長和色澤.
*皮膚: 維修與強化血管壁.
*心臟: 增強心臟恢復能力, 有效對抗老化功能.
*防老: 刺激細胞與內臟 的維修功能.
人們大都有偏食習慣, 尤其是缺乏纖維的攝取, 估計一般人所吃之 纖維只達到建議量之一半而已, 對一些來說, 便秘更是一個普遍不過的問題. 纖維在人體中扮演著非常重要角色, 其中包括幫助排便及促進腸道的運作, 降低總膽固醇及低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL), 從而幫助調節血糖水平, 排除毒素廢物及預防致癌物質的微生物之形成.
人類的腸道內, 住著超過一百兆隻的細菌, 但它們有好壞之分, 有益菌對人體的健康非常的重要, 有害菌會增加罹患大腸癌的機率, 如何增加有益菌, 剷除有害菌, 是現代人重要的保健課題. 在腸道細菌中, 有益菌能將糖質代謝成為機酸, 促進腸壁蠕動而將有害物質排出人體外, 進而防止便秘或腹瀉, 并降低罹患大腸癌的機率. 有益菌也有效的抑制腸內有害菌的繁殖, 減少腸內毒素的行成, 保護腸道免受致癌物的侵擊, 確保我們擁有清潔健康的腸道.
萃取自有機海藻的豐富膠原蛋白, 能自效的增加肌膚的彈力及張力, 防止肌膚鬆弛, 減少皺紋, 修護皮膚, 使肌膚光滑柔嫩, 皙白, 美白, 延緩老化, 是 肌膚最佳天然保養聖品. 此外, 膠原蛋白的增加也有助於:
*關節: 強化並提高關節的活動功能,和抵擋每天動作所產生的磨損.
*骨骼: 促成骨骼的生成, 強化骨骼, 增厚骨本.
*美髮與美甲: 髮甲的主要成分是膠原蛋白, 豐足的膠原蛋白自然加強髮甲的生長和色澤.
*皮膚: 維修與強化血管壁.
*心臟: 增強心臟恢復能力, 有效對抗老化功能.
*防老: 刺激細胞與內臟 的維修功能.
人們大都有偏食習慣, 尤其是缺乏纖維的攝取, 估計一般人所吃之 纖維只達到建議量之一半而已, 對一些來說, 便秘更是一個普遍不過的問題. 纖維在人體中扮演著非常重要角色, 其中包括幫助排便及促進腸道的運作, 降低總膽固醇及低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL), 從而幫助調節血糖水平, 排除毒素廢物及預防致癌物質的微生物之形成.
As people age, less collagen is produced in the body, and existing collagen breaks down. Reduced levels of collagen are especially noticeable on the skin as it become dry and wrinkled. A collagen-deprived individual are prone to distraught over the pain of joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. These worsen rapidly with toxins accumulation, constipation, obesity and other chronic diseases in today modern society.
What is Collagen Seaweed Fiber with Probiotic?
Collagen Seaweed Fiber is a combination of collagen, probiotic & dietary fiber. Collagen Seaweed is a natural material extracted from the substance in seaweed which hold responsible for the expansion and diminution of seaweed, this has been known as bodybuilding supplement that rebuilding of joints, firm the skin, increases elasticity and many benefits. And combines with the first line of defense, good bacteria(Probiotics) for our digestive and excretory system. The environment in the gastro-intestinal tract is often distress by harmful bacteria cause by unhealthy and irregular diet, binge eating, long term intake of antibiotics, drugs, and etc. While supplying the good bacteria with the correct nutrients is best way to detoxify and maintain a good internal circulation, dietary fiber accelerates the faeces elimination, reduces contact duration of toxin in intestine which may absorbed into the blood stream and to prevent colon cancer. (Colon Cancer is TOP 3 cancers in the country). The symbiotic of the product is an acid-resistant friendly bacteria that inhibits harmful bacteria bacterial in the body’s lower digestive system.
Collagen Seaweed Fiber with Probiotic
- Rejuvenating & Revitalizing
- Detoxification & Cleansing Internally
- Reduces weight & stay fit
- Healthier skin, hair & bones
- Promotes absorption of calcium & prevent osteoporosis
- Strengthens joints, cartilage & muscle tone
- Improves complexion & radiance from within.
- Constant supply of “Good Bacteria” & maintain safe intestinal environment against growth of “Harmful Bacteria”.
- Anti-aging, purify blood & prevents constipation.
Who should benefit from Collagen Seaweed Fiber with Probiotice?
*Those suffer constipation and piles.
*Weak immune system, intestine & stomach.
*Hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis.
*Skin diseases, pimples, blemish, pigmentation, acne, freckles.
*Like to maintain body figure, good shape and slim body.
*Who has less exercise, stay up late & work late.
*Alcohol drinker or people with poor liver system.
*Frequently exposed to pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics & hormones.
*Those who wish to regain health, body, beauty & confidence.
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