Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nano Nature Collagen Seaweed Fiber 珊瑚草纖維精力湯

Product description:

Collagen Seaweed Fiber helps to relieve constipation effective in 3 days!
Reduces tummy effective in 20 days!Promotes skin that is healthy, radiant, supple and wrinkle-free.
It also help to cleanse the intestines,lose weight effectively and increase good bacteria in the guts!
*緩解便秘, 3效!
腩, 20效!


保證效, 無刺激性成分.
體內環保 稀世珍品 鮮綠生機 建议食用法:

每次饭后1包,天12次,包以250CC室温调, 立即饮用.


天1包2天1包, 维持處於最佳健康状态.水,纖維之间演了重要的角色,有效增加便使粪便通畅.

注意事项: 孕妇,呕吐,痛,病患,使用医生.

Collagen Seaweed Fiber 效果:

短期食用1-7 天应:
  1. 便大, 宿便出(味臭, 黑色)
  2. 翻騰适, 放屁多(正常反应)
  3. 粪便水面,呈现金黄色.(便秘问题明显改善)

  1. 便正常化,身体组织器官血液毒素开始減少,量增多,开始感觉精神饱满.
  2. 开始血液,此時毒素幅度減少,皮膚呈现與亮麗.
  3. 直接減少減少粪便時間產生毒素.(漸漸消減,腹線條,肥胖消失)


  1. 毒素被淨.
  2. 對於改善,抵抗預防各種文明,显现卓越效果,健康與青美麗,自我提升免疫.


Improve colon health:
1 sachet after meal, 1 or 2 times a day.
Maintain colon health:
1 sachet after meal or gradually reduce to 1 sachet in alternative day after meal.
Drink plenty of water consumption for enhanced benefits. Water plays an important role together with probiotic and fiber to help form soft and bulky stool.
Attention: Pregnant women and those with symptoms such as vomiting, stomach ache and rectal bleeding should consult doctors before consumption.
Effects after the consumption of Collagen Seaweed Fiber with Probiotic

After 1 -7 days:
1. Increased stools. The impacted fecal stools are eliminated(Black & Foul).
2. Guts feel slightly uncomfortable, frequent farting.
3. Stools floating on the surface. Looks yellowish brown.

After 7-20 days:
  1. Bowel movement back to normal. Less toxin in blood, tissues and organs. More oxygen in body. Feeling more revitalized.
  2. Cleanses the blood. Toxin level reduced considerably. Skin looks more radiant and beautiful.
  3. Reduces water content in the intestines. Cuts down the toxins resulted from water fecal mixture for a long time.
After more than 20 days:
  1. Toxins will be removed.
  2. Effective in improving & preventing various diseases of civilization & chronic disease. Promotes health, youthfulness & beauty. Enhanced immunity.
  3. Eliminates toxin from body, improve constitution and relieves symptoms of related diseases.

Bifidobacterium, Seaweed, Psyllium Husk, Oligosaccharide, Spirulina, Vegetables Fibre, Fruits Fibre, Chlorophyll & Alfafa.

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