Thursday, October 21, 2010

Homemade Chicken Essence

1)Prepare one small bowl(rice bowl) and one large bowl(casserole).

2)Place the small bowl into the large bowl by over turning it.

3)Prepare one whole chicken. Remove skin, internal organs and wash clean. Cut into large pieces. Chop each pieces into smaller pieces.

4)Place the chicken pieces on top of the over-turned small bowl.

5)Spread the chicken pieces evenly in the large bowl.

6)Prepare a cooking pot(Large enough to place the bowl that contains the chicken inside). This will act as a double boiler. Fill the cooking pot with water.

7)Cover the bowl.

8)Allow the cooking pot to cook over medium heat. Cook for 3 hours.

9)Remove the bowl containing chicken from the cooking pot. Be careful when opening the bowl containing chicken. A vacuum is created during the cooking process.

Remove the chicken to another bowl, and remove the over-turned small bowl.

10)The essence is accumulated inside the inner(small) bowl. Strain the essence to remove pieces of bones, chicken meat.

11)The essence is ready to be taken. Add a pinch of salt to your liking. The essence is best taken at night before going to sleep.

Use one whole Kampung Chicken. You will get one bowl of chicken essence approximately 300ml.

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